M&A Advisory
Expert Insights For Intelligent Decision-Making
没有两笔交易是相同的,每笔交易都有独特的挑战、风险和机遇. Your team of M&顾问将在交易生命周期的每个阶段为您提供指导和支持,从制定公司战略到执行尽职调查,再到领导整合工作.
Whether you are deploying your newest fund, divesting a business unit, contemplating an exit, acquiring a platform company, or testing the waters for your first transaction, Redpath and Company will help you make timely, informed business decisions. 您将收到全面的报告和见解,这将在整个交易过程中发挥作用, 让你有能力做出明智的决定并取得成功.
Value Through the Transaction Lifecycle
明确的战略对于指导私人股本至关重要, corporations, 和商业领袖们通过复杂的M&A process—maximizing value creation, making smart investment decisions, and identifying new growth opportunities. 它为导航事务生命周期的每个阶段提供了路线图, 从最初的尽职调查到交易完成后的整合, 同时最小化风险,最大化利益相关者的回报.
Growth Strategy (Buy vs. Build)
Exit Planning & Sell-Side Preparation
LOI Support
Quick-Hit/Current State Assessments
Financial Analysis
Transaction Readiness & Preparation
Transaction Management
Diligence & Support
以一丝不苟的勤奋和战略眼光为成交后的成功奠定坚实的基础. With a team of transaction experts on your side, 你可以增加成功完成交易的可能性, maintain alignment in your M&制定战略,实现预尽职调查中确定的目标和成果.
Quality of Earnings
Tax Diligence & Structuring
Commercial Diligence
Operational Diligence
I.T. Diligence
Financial Modeling
Closing Advisory
Achieve seamless integration, accelerated growth, 通过正确的后紧密整合战略实现可持续的价值创造. 从文化融合到留住顶尖人才,再到实现协同效应, 您的咨询团队提供解决方案,以最大限度地发挥您的交易潜力. With clear communication, proactive risk management, and a focus on driving results, 你的第一个100天策略为长期的成功奠定了基础, 增强投资者信心和参与度,最终推动组织绩效最大化.
Integration Strategy & Planning
Operating & Organizational Modeling
Synergy & Financial Planning
Integration Management
Are you selling a business or buying a business?
- Buying a Business
- Selling a Business
Buying a Business
交易策略必须与彻底的尽职调查相联系,以成功完成交易并实现新资产的全部价值. 我们的跨部门架构为私募股权和其他买家提供全面的交易支持, 帮助您降低风险并识别机会.
Selling a Business
赌注很高,你应该得到专家的支持. 我们可以帮助您以全面的勤奋讲述您的战略故事,吸引买家. 从继任计划到剥离,我们可以帮助您做好卖方准备.
Joe Hellman, CPA, partner, 领导Redpath and Company的交易咨询团队以及整个咨询服务实践领域. 他在整个事务生命周期中为客户提供支持, 从投资意向书前的机会评估到交易结束后的净营运资本真实增值,以及对买方和卖方交易的协同效应评估. Joe有在多个行业协助买方和卖方交易的经验, including manufacturing, healthcare, construction, consumer products, distribution, financial services, technology, and energy. 他自2008年以来一直提供公共会计服务,并于2020年加入Redpath and Company.
Contact Joe:
Kory Boyer is a managing director in the M&A Advisory service area. 他与许多行业的公司合作,以协助包括无机和有机增长战略在内的领域, 伴随着全方位的并购目标识别, due diligence, transaction management, and integration. Kory还帮助客户评估运营和流程, 通过性能改进和优化策略来帮助推动改进. 他在美国军事学院完成了机械工程的本科学习,并获得了硕士学位.B.A. 在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校吉斯商学院攻读金融学. Kory joined Redpath and Company in 2021.
Contact Kory:
Mike Traeger,董事,领导Redpath and Company的咨询实践团队. 他帮助组织在交易咨询领域做出更明智的战略决策, business transformation, and accounting advisory. Mike拥有超过20年的市场领导经验,在私人控股公司和上市公司工作, private equity firms, 他还为包括医疗保健在内的多个行业的公司提供咨询服务, manufacturing, financial services, technology, construction, and consumer products. 他通过在高增长时期指导客户,帮助他们为变革做好准备, distress, integrations, and separations. Mike has a B.B.A. 在明尼苏达大学德卢斯分校获得金融学学位,并于2021年加入Redpath.
Contact Mike:
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